
Mehmet Kayhan has started his industrial life in a small workshop by making casting patterns in 1950. In 1951 he produced the first workshop type press.
In time, this workshop has turned into a business that repair of special machines were made, and then by changing the place in the 1960s, it became a workshop that taking truck engine from front to back space. Some agricultural machines have also been designed and manufactured here in.
In the 1970s, KAYAHAN has been a well-known actor with 20 years experience in the field of hydraulics.
Based on producing by demand strategy, a wide range of products has been formed. In the past, production of hydraulic press, hydraulic pump, steel construction, metal poles, welding roles, etc. were carried out.
KAYAHAN is first company in Turkey to produce workshop type press in mass production. Until 2000, around 10.000 pieces of special-purpose or workshop type hydraulic presses were produced in KAYAHAN. For example, 70 different patterned presses such as artillery bullet presses, rocket bullet presses, dynamite capsule presses, electrical capsule presses, gasmask presses, etc. were designed and manufactured for Mechanical and Chemical Industry Institution that is one of oldest institution in Turkey.
In 1975, KONSANTAŞ Hydraulic Machinery Inc. was joined to business structure and the first step of becoming KAYAHAN Group was taken. Now it was able to achieve casting work. Water and fire valves were produced by processing and casting the first time in Turkey by KAYAHAN. Kayahan has reached producing capacity over 10.000 valves per year between 60 mm and 500 mm dimensions.
In the 1980s, 180 mt Cast Iron and 250 mt Slag Ladle Cars were produced first time in Turkey by KAYAHAN for Turkeys biggest iron and steel enterprises ISDEMİR and ERDEMİR. Introducing with iron and steel industry by this way, KAYAHAN has opened a new page.
By the integration of modern casting facility in the year of 1998, producing bronze casting with "blow technology" became possible.
1990s were also the years that hydraulic cylinders for iron and steel factories started to be produced. At the same time, the first hydraulic cylinder for iron and steel industry was exported in 1994. Since 2000, other productions were abandoned and the company only focused on the production of hydraulic cylinders.
Consisting of KONSANTAŞ Hydraulic Machinery Inc. and KAYAHAN Machinery Hydraulic Inc., KAYAHAN Group is Turkeys biggest hydraulic cylinder manufacturer with largest production capacity. Currently, it continues activities in totally 27.000 m2 of which 24,000 m2 is indoor area. 80% of its hydraulic cylinder production is exported to Europe.
Main sectors
- Cement & mining industry
- Mobile machine industry
- Iron & steel industries
- Dam gates
- Off-shore industry
- Mobile crane manufacturers
- Hydraulic press manufacturers
Quality Certificates
- ISO 9001:2008 quality management system
- EN 1090.2-2008 execution of steel and aluminum structures
- TS EN ISO 3834-2 welding management system
- TURQUM certificate of product conformity
• Up to 3 m diameter and 23 m length hydraulic & pneumatic cylinders,
• Hydraulic & pneumatic cylinders that all production processes are realized in our own facilities as hard chrome plating, NiCr plating, honing, deep hole drilling, welding,
• Heavy duty hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders according to customers’ requirements,
• Hydraulic & pneumatic cylinders that making 100% quality control during manufacturing and assembly,
• Hydraulic cylinders for cement industry,
• Mining cylinders,
• Mobile cylinders for construction and industrial equipment,
• Iron & steel factory cylinders,
• Dam gates cylinders and hydraulic systems,
• Ship & bridge cylinders,
• Crane cylinders & shock absorbers,
• Hydraulic press cylinders
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