Our company dates back to 1978 when the founder SUAT SÜMER founded SAF-YEM. SAF-MAK team used to produce machine and automation units within SAF-YEM and founded SAF-MAK in 1983 upon demand of the market. Our company aims to fill the gaps in our country in automation, dosing and packing areas. Working mainly in areas of engineer-related projects and special production, built hundreds of units and plants everywhere in Turkey with efforts of the founder Suat Sümer.

Working under the same company with E.O.C Elektronik Otomasyon Cihazlari AS., our company also deals with units working with computer, PLC, SCADA and micro-processors. Both firms have a great deal of experience in weighing, pressure, strength and dosing as these are the main areas of their profession.All produced systems are designed by SAF-MAK AS. and thus custom solutions can be offered for all requests of customers.Thanks to its technical staff that has knowledge of entire systems, SAFMAK can provide every type of after-sale services in the shortest time. In case of any failure, immediate interference is provided to ensure that production continues, and full support is offered to adapt the systems to any possible changes.

In the early 2000s, our company has become the leading company as designing tens of projects, especially by achieving pneumatic transport of powder and granular raw materials for the first time in local area and making improvements on weighing systems and their applications. Also, with raw material preparation plants and turnkey jobs on overseas, we are proud of being one of the globally preferred companies.

We will never forget our idol, brother, faithful and long in service Mr. Murat Sümer who passed away in 2005, 29th June. During his time of work, our company has made great advance with his vision. We owe our present respectful position in industry to his hard-working, courageous, farseeing and model personality. He taught us how to be a group and even if he is not with us, his professional tenets will always be with us.

• Regarding Powder, Granular and Liquid Materials;
• Raw Material Storage,
• Pneumatic Transport,
• Accurate and Effective Weighing Systems,
• Recipe Based Production Process Management,
• Liquid / Powder Filling Solutions,
• Powder / Liquid Detergent Plant & Automation,
• Sand Drying Plant & Automation,
• Banbury Mixer Dosing Plant / Automation,
• Limestone Oven Automation,
• MDF Line Automation,
• Tea Blending Plant & Automation,
• Glass Batch House Plant & Automation,
• Plastic Raw Material Dosing Plant & Automation,
• Reactor Automation Process Management,
• Erection / Commissioning / Training / Maintenance Services

Gebze Plastikçiler O.S.B. Atatürk Bul. 9. Cadde 92. Sokak No:1, 41400, GEBZE KOCAELİ , Türkiye
+90-262-751 52 14
+90-262-751 52 18

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